The magic of winter

Winter and snow is a child's delight - things dreamed of in July;

Sleds and hills, squeals and spills, waving, as the world rushes by.

There is snow on the ground, snow in the air, snow, snow everywhere.

Angels they make in the blanket of white, and tomorrow will remember how

Snowflakes felt on their tiny tongues - like magic to them now.

There is snow on the ground, snow in the air, snow, snow everywhere.

Snow-people are made and all decked out with colours and a happy smile;

Forts are built with utmost care so they will last awhile.

There is snow on the ground, snow in the air, snow, snow everywhere.

Snowballs rolled and piled with glee; tots laughing merrily;

Adults watch, remembering - secrets bubbling free.

There is snow on the ground, snow in the air, snow, snow everywhere.

Skiers fly the well-packed slopes, independence lighting their eyes;

Blending with snow as they descend like magic from the skies.

There is snow on the ground, snow in the air, snow, snow everywhere.

The ice is cleared so skaters glide and maybe spin a dream

Of triple loops and a sharp edge and costumes of gold and cream

There is snow on the ground, snow in the air, snow, snow everywhere.

At the end of the day all tucked away, they dream of flakes of white

Floating from heaven, in a musical dance - an innocent child's insight.

There is snow on the ground, snow in the air, snow, snow, EVERYWHERE!


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